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Detox Your Liver In 3 Days

Beetroot detoxificationWords carry meaning, signs of a past when we had a closer connection to our bodies, to nature and to life. From life we find the Old English word lifer, better known to us today as liver – the organ which sustains us, balances us, without which we wouldn’t be able to function.

Liver detoxification has grown in popularity amongst health enthusiasts as well as people looking for a quick health fix. Unfortunately, misinformation about liver cleansing abounds, and many people don’t possess the correct information to ensure effective and safe liver cleansing, tending instead to fasting diets.

Let’s change that trend.

Does liver really need detoxification?

The answer is yes and no. The natural process of detoxification takes place on its own, with the liver creating bile as part of this biological process. In fact, detoxification is one of the liver’s functions but when the natural balance of our body is disrupted – for example through excess alcohol intake, too many processed or sugar-rich foods, or through weight gain, your liver processes suffer.

Here are some issues which give an indication of a requirement to change your diet and start a detoxification process:

  • Bloating or discomfort in the abdominal area
  • Unexplained weight gain
  • Abdominal fat
  • Indigestion
  • High blood pressure
  • Fatigue
  • Acid reflux/heartburn
  • Acne or blotchy skin
  • Diets not achieving weight loss despite a reduction in calorie intake and increased exercise, etc

If sugar-rich, processed food with high carbs are a part of your daily diet, don’t wait for these symptoms to show. It’s time to detox, but to detox safely and effectively.

Liver Detox WaterThe 3 Day Liver Detox Program

Day 1

  1. Kickstart your day by drinking 2 glasses of clean water just after waking up (start to integrate this habit into your daily routine).
  2. For breakfast, take beetroot juice and slices of carrots. Add tomatoes for some tangy taste (note: tomato shouldn’t be taken by those with heartburn and acid reflux issues).
  3. For lunch, eat a salad of kale, cabbage and spinach or soup with corn.
  4. For dinner, add Brussel sprouts with dry fruits, or veggies. As a helpful tip: cook the Brussel sprouts with fewer spices and turmeric.

Day 2

  1. As usual, start the morning with 2 glasses of clean water.
  2. For breakfast, take an apple/kiwifruit/avocado and yoghurt, adding whole grain bread with hummus dip if the fruit doesn’t quench the morning hunger.
  3. Between breakfast and lunch (or later) snack on some walnuts. They’re filling, delicious and nutritious.
  4. For a colourful and tasty lunch, make a cabbage and pomegranate salad with fruit toppings and cottage cheese.
  5. Treat the taste buds at dinner time with a vegetable Tagine served with boiled, brown rice for dinner, and follow this with a flavored yoghurt for dessert.

Detox liver with apples. Day 3

  1. Start your day with a breakfast of apples and lemonade or orange juice. For added flavor and an extra dose of anti-inflammatory sweetness, pour some honey on the apples.
  2. Enjoy lunch with steamed or stir-fried broccoli, served with onion, garlic and olive oil.
  3. Snacks on Day 3 can include peanuts or dried, black chickpeas – these are particularly important as they supply fiber.
  4. For dinner, eat some lean meat.

You can value add on your detox program by regularly adding some protein rich foods, and by drinking herbal teas. Further, flaxseeds and psyllium husks are recommended for healthy liver cleansing. You can also drink green tea with honey and add some immunity boosting herbs to amplify the cleansing results. Importantly, drink as much water and other safe fluids (e.g. juice) as possible. Your body will thank you.

As you can see, detoxification is quite a simple, easy process but fasting or undertaking a liquid diet will only aggravate the conditions listed above, so sticking to a healthy, safe diet which is rich in fiber and nutrition is the best solution.

Emmy S.

Business owner, lead financial executive, thrill-seeker and self-proclaimed master chef. I love helping individuals discover their hidden potential and nurturing them to reach their goals. Will happily divulge financial and business tips for a glass of good, Australian Shiraz.

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