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3rd Phase Of COVID-19 Restrictions Lifted In Chiang Mai, Thailand

As pandemic fears across Thailand ease, the northern city of Chiang Mai is ready to open up spas again as restrictions are lifted.
The Coronavirus has dominated headlines around the world through the months of February to May and with good reason. This global pandemic has halted economies and introduced a spate of lockdowns, border closures and much more.

As the months have progressed, countries that have managed to “flatten the curve” of the Coronavirus spreading through their populations are beginning to emerge from their self-imposed lockdown state.

Daily infections in Thailand have been in single figures for weeks

3rd Phase of COVID-19 Restrictions Lifted in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Thailand has coped with the Coronavirus outbreak better than many other countries around the world and the proof is in the numbers. Like most nations, Thailand closed its borders and imposed lockdown measures on its citizens. People were encouraged to work from home and practice social distancing.

For a number of months, the situation continued to unfold and while testing ramped up across the country, people who contracted COVID-19 were immediately isolated and treated. The Thai government managed to get a handle on communications and health policies and they announced a number of lockdown policies that the citizens adhered to.

A state of emergency was declared and a curfew was imposed. Movement was limited between districts and inter-province travel was not allowed. But the Thai government did not anticipate that the lockdown would go on indefinitely and began to observe the lockdown restriction-easing procedures of other countries that had contained the virus. The mistakes of other nations led the Thai government to a more orderly and strict lifting of Coronavirus restrictions in phases.

With the rates of infections falling to single digits per day and most of the new cases being Thais returning from foreign countries, the Thai government began lifting restrictions starting with the first two phases in the month of May.

3rd Phase of Restrictions Lifted in Thailand

The Thai Government announced that the 3rd Phase of restrictions would be lifted on May 31st and many celebrated this decision as it meant that a huge number of businesses could now reopen.

The first two phases of easing restrictions mainly gave essential businesses instructions on how they could operate and some other businesses got the opportunity to reopen as well. However, the 3rd phase is a much broader easing of restrictions with many businesses formally opening once again.

Shopping malls, cinemas, fitness centers and many others are now allowed to operate under strict hygiene guidelines. While many of these places have reopened, they are still limitations to the number of customers they can serve because mass gatherings are discouraged.

Thankfully, the Thai people have observed the government directives without hesitation and all citizens wear their face masks and other personal protective equipment while conducting their daily activities.

Kiyora Spa is taking every safety precaution for our guests

Across Thailand, various spas and massage centers have reopened their doors. We can operate once again but the major restrictions are that facial services and sauna services cannot resume, service providers must wear masks at all times, and services are limited to two hours only.

Kiyora Spa in Chiang Mai is up-to-date with all the government regulations and we are following all these laws very closely. Not only have we set up all our operations to fit these requirements, we have also studied hygiene best practices and other processes that we believe will further guarantee the safety of our guests.

Our general guidelines remain the strong foundation on which the rest of our operations are built. Social distancing is the key principle to prevent the spread of the virus during this time and we are committed to making sure this takes place.

All our staff and customers must wear masks in and around the spa and its facilities. In addition to masks, our staff members will wear face shields and we will keep them sanitized as often as possible. We will arrange seating for our guests so that the proper distance is always maintained. These social distancing measures are all going to be followed very closely by everyone at the spa.

Cleaning is an important part of our plan to keep the spa safe. We have created cleaning schedules that cover all our spaces. Housekeeping staff is equipped with cleaning products for sanitizing every surface and they clean every zone in the spa on an hourly basis. We pay special attention to ‘high touch’ surfaces, these are areas that guests are more likely to touch during their visit so we clean them with more care.

We have taken precautions with all aspects of our service and that even includes transportation to our spa. The driver always wears personal protective equipment and handles your luggage with gloves. Before entering the vehicle, the driver will take the customer’s temperature and sanitizer is provided in every vehicle. The seats, door handles and other high-touch areas are cleaned between guest pickups.

The reception staff conducts a customer temperature check (this is for customers who have not opted for our transportation services) and enforces contact-tracing requirements. The receptionist will also take our guests through COVID-19 screening questions to understand the level of exposure they have had to the virus and to guarantee the safety of other customers. Sanitizer is also available at the reception desk and waiting area for all our guests.

Our massage suites are also under intense scrutiny because we want our guests to feel safe and relaxed while getting a massage. All the linen is sanitized and sterilized after each use to assure there is no cross-contamination between guests. Personal sanitizer gel is available here as well. There is only one massage table per room to maintain social distancing rules which further amplifies the tranquil experience at Kiyora.

Kiyora Spa leaves no stone unturned when it comes to our guest’s safety and comfort. The nation of Thailand intends to follow these rules as well. We are your trusted destination for relaxation and rejuvenation and we are looking forward to your next visit.

Ivan C.

Company Co-Founder and CEO, entrepreneur, athlete and coffee geek. I am committed to providing an unforgetable customer experience by delivering cutting edge services and products. Would be willing to swap business tips and advice for a good, smooth espresso.

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